Community partnerships


UIC Community Research- SMHN  was contracted to gather South Suburban residents to participate in community research. Community  input sessions were completed with residents regarding health disparities and their impact on communities. Video and report coming soon! 

Illinois work net

As a grant recipient of the State of Illinois, SMHN provided summer employment to 100+ youths ages 16 to 24 years old through the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). SMHN recruited local businesses to serve as worksites for the youth employees. Participation youths were able to gain work experience and learn different trades.

American Diabetes Association

Sugary Drinks Campaign – SMHN was contracted to share information regarding sugary drinks and their effects on health; as well as sharing information on alternative drinks without added sugars. Presentations were made at community events and at churches in South Suburban Cook County.


SMHN, in conjunction with Northwestern University, assembled teams of community members to gather information and give input on health in their communities. Workshops and training on how to conduct research were also run by a team of experienced researchers. 

Advocate Aurora Health

In conjunction with Advocate Aurora Health, SMHN served as a testing site for residents desiring to be tested for COVID-19. 


US Census 2020

Assistance was also offered to residents needing to complete the 2020 Census.

Thorton Township
Thorton Township LogoThrough partnership with Thornton Township, SMHN has been able to offer food to families in need during the Holiday Season and throughout the year. Thanks to food donations from Thornton Township, SMHN has been able to start an “Emergency Food Cupboard” for individuals and families, in emergency situations, to come and get food and hygiene products needed.

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15406 Lexington Avenue    Harvey, Illinois 60426



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